Rocking the Rock-Step

3 rules for rock-steps: Use your foot push to change direction, don’t yank her back with your arms. Maintain close embrace – don’t turn your head/torso away or release/drop the arms. The foot that’s pushing off, hits the ground with a straight knee first then bends as you push off.

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Easy Trick Leads

Want to find some easy moves you can lead on anyone? Watch videos of the pros dancing with other pros, like during the fun partner switches at festival performances. This is when you get to see them do only the moves they can truly lead well and feel comfortable enough with to lead strangers. Watch

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Ocho Stretch Lines

The best way to develop strong ocho lines throughout your body (not only looks good, but also feels good)…is to stretch your whole body! Stretch it from head to toe. We have 2 kinds of stretches: X-stretch – imagine the opposite shoulder and foot are stretching away from each other and drawing an “X” on

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Changing weight can be especially hard for followers, because: They’re wearing heels. They don’t control the displacement timing. They don’t control the weight-change timing. Basically, they’re wearing uncomfortable wobbly shoes and don’t know how fast you want to move or change weight…and they’re not able to float themselves in the air while you decide. So

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AXIS – stand right in front of your partner. Weight over the mid-arch or front-arch of your foot. SURROUND – spread your arms and shoulder blades…wrap all the way around your partner. CONTACT – close the circle of your arms containing your partner inside your embrace. Get comfortable…then step off and dance away!

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2-Legged Mollinetes

Mollinetes are the simple FORWARD-SIDE-BACK-SIDE pattern that goes on and on forever. And typically, you’d mark each step as you change weight fully to that one foot. FORWARD is when you land forward on one foot, SIDE is when you land sideways into one foot. But what if you were to change that up?

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To Push is to Absorb

This was something many teachers tried to teach me, but I just didn’t “get it”. You can never just push something, you must also absorb it at the same time. It is 2-way communication through all parts of your body at all times. You must give AND receive. Some people only give and others only

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